Monday, March 14, 2011

Life Happened

So basically it comes down to this... some things in life, you don't sign up for.  Right now, I am living the college life.  Some parts are intentional and some parts are me being pulled along by my hair.  Enjoyable?  Sometimes and then other times you just want to shave your damn head.  I've realized over the past couple weeks, life is going to happen whether I want it to or not.  A couple weekends ago we spent the night trying to take care of 5 or 6 drunk people.  I kept thinking to myself, I didn't sign up for this.  However, I also didn't sign up for the best things I have encountered.  When you send in your college application, you don't sign up for nights you barely remember or for sleepovers (matresses included).  You don't sign up for becoming best friends with some of the most amazing you will ever met.  Shower parties? No.  Parties in general? Probably not.  Reliving memories other people can't remember? Nah.  Skipping classes? Not if your parents are asking.

You may not have signed up for it but it happens.  Whether you are getting pulled by your hair or intentionally going along, you are living.  So remember, just keep living.  It is all worth it in the end.

1 comment:

  1. omg. so cute and completely true. everyone of these is relatable.
